Managing Indices
RiskClima possesses a rich functionality to collect, store, manage and report all kinds of indices necessary to use in environmental, social, governance evaluations. Climate Change indices, although a subset of environmental, are separately maintained.

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About this Tutorial
Indices' collection is a first step towards recording an organisation's measurement of ESG and Climate Change physical parameters. In this tutorial you will learn how to enter indices on the system either manually or interfacing with other systems. Examples are CO2 emissions, energy consumption in kWh or mWh, wastes etc. The system will also help you roll up low level indices to higher level reporting concentrated indices.
The Speaker: Dr. Evangelia Louropoulou
Environmental Scientist with extensive experience in Environmental Monitoring, Risk Assessments and Management. Continuously involved in converting scientific data, Big Data from external databases and climate models to business tangible and actionable information using Analytics, AI and ML tools. Currently employed as a Consultant and Analyst on ESG, Climate Change and Sustainability related projects and applications.
Pls see full bio here