Climate Change Risk Assessment with RiskClima
A cloud-based software tool incorporating Risk Management Practices, climate parameters and Data Modelling.
RiskClima provides eight integrated processes:
Capturing data from internal sources (e.g. energy consumption, carbon emissions etc.)
​Integrating internal data with external Databases (i.e. climate models)
Processing and analysing the above
Assessing Risks and Opportunities
Defining and storing targets and business objectives
Preparing action plans for mitigation and adaptation to climate change
Producing reports (e.g. Carbon Footprint (GHG) or Risks/Opportunities according to generally accepted standards)
Monitoring perpetual activities throughout the years

Tutorials to get you started
Climate change is here. Businesses face physical risks from global warming and the more frequent and severe extereme weather events. They also face risks from social, economic and political changes such as new regulations, inflation of commodities, energy demand and crisis etc. RiskClima helps you predict how your business will be affected by these risks in the future and plan mitigation/adaptation measures in time.

Expert Product Consulting
Our team of experienced sustainability consultants can help your business or organisation navigate the challenges of climate change.
We offer Tutorials and Insights to help you make informed decisions and build resilience against the effects of climate change.
Next Generation Technologies
RiskClima operates on the following principles:​
Developed in a web environment for access through Internet connections.
Cloud computing technologies (Microsoft's Azure cloud)
Utilises Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools for data processing.
Employs neuro-linguistic programming (Natural Language Processing - NLP) to extract data from free text when required.